These Are The Two Drugstore Products You Need To Go From Black To Platinum Blonde Hair Within An Hour

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I have been down this road to many times (Read here), dying my hair with confidents, thinking my natural black hair would turn platinum blonde with one L’oreal hair dye. With no luck and a yellow outcome. So I thought I would share with you guys, how I used to maintain/dye my blonde hair the last 6 months from my natural black hair colour. Before I dyed it all black and then burned it off, which is a total different story you can read here.

Let me just start of saying, that dying your hair blonde/bleaching it. Is so unhealthy, so don’t do this and then regret dyeing it, for then to color it black and hoping for natural healthy hair. I just won’t happen, the dyed hair will always be damaged after a bleaching. One of the reasons after a half year of having blonde hair, I decided to shave it all of.

Archiving blonde hair from black, is not as hard as you think. The only two products you need for this are trulites rapid blue powder bleach and Truzone cream peroxide 12%/40 vol. These two products are key for platinum blonde hair. You mix both products according to what is says on the instructions and apply it into your hair. Let it sit for an hour and VOLLA you have achieved the trendy look. Easy right. And it doesn’t even hurt.

Au Revoir, peepz!

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2 replys to These Are The Two Drugstore Products You Need To Go From Black To Platinum Blonde Hair Within An Hour

    1. Some hairdressers use olaplaex, which shouldn’t leave the hair as damaging as normal bleaching 😀 depends on how much you want to use on a hairdresser 🙂

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